Your ad will appear on IHMM's LinkedIn profiles, Facebook, and X (formerly known as Twitter).
A maximum of two sponsored posts are available per month.
30-Second Video or Static Ad: $600
Clickable images or commercials appears on IHMM's social media channels. Please include text to use with your image ad or video.
Image Ad Dimensions: 1200x627 px or 1200x1200 px
File Format: GIF, JPEG
File Size: 40KB
Video Ad Format: MP4 no more than 30 seconds in length.
Post Description Text: Your social media text description will begin with the words " Sponsored Content."
Character Count Limits for Supplied Text
Facebook: 700-character max
Twitter: 280-character max (includes the "Sponsored Content" text)
LinkedIn: 700-character mac (includes the "Sponsored Content" text)
IHMM does not provide graphic design services so your ad must meet the outlined specification and be ready to publish.